A visual journal

Posts tagged “my garden

Flowers from the Garden

A grey and blustery day today

Followed by high winds and wet rain this evening.

Feels like November – but the flowers remind me that it is still summer.


Last year I grew Monarda from seed.

This year it has started to flower

I love it!

And so do the bees

(But my neighbour says it is a silly looking flower!)

Summer Colour

Long absence – lack of computer and lack of time.

Now have new computer – but still a lack of time!

Although I will make time to get back into the habit of a photograph every day.

(Well …. nearly every day)

Especially as the garden is looking very summery just now.

WordPress have introduced this new template, which I think suits a “photo-blog” very well.

(Although I still need to sort out the header image)

What do you think?

Thumbs up or Thumbs down?

February, thank goodness

Daphne bholua “Jacqueling Postill”

Today was a lovely day, cold but bright and clear

Spent the afternoon weeding the empty cutting garden

And marvelled, that at last the beautifully scented Daphne is blooming.


If all the freezing weather we have had this winter kills my baby plants,

Why doesn’t it kill my baby slugs?

Out in the Garden To-day

To-day was dull, but comparatively mild

It was good to get out in the garden for a couple of hours

And clear some of the soggy mess of stems and old foliage.

Actually it was great to be in the garden again

I worry that

Nothing will grow back in my garden after so much cold weather!

Another lovely day and …


The insects in the garden were making the most of the warmth.

Every year I consider taking out these pink Japanese anemone

Then, like to-day I notice them back-lit by the late afternoon sun

And I know they will stay another year.

Sunshine! … All day


We have had such a poor July and August,

That we have not had three consecutive dry days

Which made to-day even more special

As it was warm and sunny

And the garden was full of bees and butterflies.

Seed Head


I think that the seed heads of allium ‘Mount Everest’ are as lovely as the flowers.

I only bought one bulb last year “to try”

So this Autumn I am going to order some more.

September all-ready!


September all-ready – where did August go to?

I think … as I have been under par for about a month, it just went and I didn’t notice.

I bought this Malva “Park Rondell” at the end of last summer in the sale.

So I didn’t know what shade of pink it was going to be

But I am quite pleased with it.



Echinacea purpurea which I grew from seed.

This plant is just so photogenic, and I love it.

Salvia ‘Hot Lips’


I bought Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ earlier in the year, and so far I am delighted.

The proof of the pudding will be if it survives our wet winters.

Currently it is residing in a pot, so I might take it into the greenhouse this year.

Dark Calla Lily


Dobby gave me this beautiful dark calla lily at the weekend

So at the moment, it is travelling around the garden, in its pot –

Until it finds its new home.

And yes, after the lovely day yesterday

The rain returned to-day.


Echinacea – again!


Another Echinacea without a label!

This is the first time this one has flowered, as I bought it as a plug plant at the end of last year.

I am so enamoured with Echinacea, that I have ordered some more plug plants for next year.

Who can resist names like “Hot Papaya”, “Tiki Torch” and “Tomato Soup”

I certainly can’t!

Out of the Habit


Visitors, a bug, and then filling up my hard drive,

Suddenly I realized that I had gotten out of the habit of a daily shot.

Time to get back into it again.

The wind blew the sunflowers over last night,

But this means they are at ground level …

And I could photograph them.



The focus of my life and my camera is all garden related just now.

Both at home and at work.

Must get out more!

Delightful Dill


I love the colour of dill – it has an acid tone that zings

Dill looks good in the kitchen garden or amongst the perennials.

And you get to eat it to!

A spot of rain


Another very hot and muggy day

But we did have a spot of rain this evening –

Well, perhaps 40 spots

Enough to freshen the air so that the scent of the lily

Graces the garden.

Grrr …


The Internet is a wonderful thing …

Until it doesn’t work as you expected.

This should have been yesterdays picture

A snapshot of the garden in the early morning

But I have only just now been able to get back into my site.

I must point out – that the problem was nothing to do with word-press, but my Internet provider.

Miss Willmott’s ghost


I have always enjoyed the story that when Ellen Willmott

Visited her friends gardens,

She scattered the seeds of Erygium giganteum without them knowing.

Some of my Erygium are E.”stuntedeum”

As I forgot to pot them on and plant them out.

Fingers crossed they will still self seed


au revoir


Very sad to say goodbye to my lovely peony until next year.

Each morning for the past three weeks

She has given me such delight.

Clematis montana ‘alba’


So lovely now that the evenings are drawing out.

And I can photograph the clematis in the garden

At 8 o’clock at night, without flash or tripod!

Queen of the Night


I am always happy,

When these tulips put in appearance.